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How does debt consolidation affect your credit rating?

debt settlement programs good or bad

There are many factors to consider when assessing whether consolidation of debt will cause credit damage. Your payment history will affect your credit score. Consolidating debt might seem like the best option. It's true that having a lower credit utilization is a good thing. However, if your payment history includes late payments, consolidation can damage your credit.

Low credit utilization

A low credit utilization ratio is the best way boost credit score. Experts recommend that you keep your utilization ratio under 30 percent. This figure can fluctuate depending on when you buy a new item. While you can occasionally buy a new television or a new car with more than 30 percent of your available credit, you should avoid incurring long-term debt.

To calculate your credit utilization ratio, first figure out how much you owe on each credit card. You can find this number by logging into your credit card account. Divide your total credit limit and the total balance to calculate the percentage of credit that you're using.

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Higher interest rates

If you have credit cards that you've never paid off in full, you may want to consider debt consolidation. This loan is lower in interest than other credit cards, and can help improve your credit score. You might be able reduce your monthly payments by combining them in one payment.

Consolidating your debt is a great way of simplifying your financial life. You only need to make one payment and not several. This can help reduce your credit card debt, and reduce the chance of missing payments. Moreover, it can help diversify your credit mix. Additionally, you will be able pay off your debt faster due to lower interest rates.

Higher fees

Consolidating debt can be used to pay off bills but can also cause credit damage. All credit card purchases during the loan period or after will impact your credit score. It is important to not spend too much on credit cards and use them too often. You should aim to have a high credit score, and not use your credit cards too often.

It is important to compare several providers and obtain quotes from each before choosing a consolidation business. Pay attention the loan terms and choose a provider with the lowest rates. Two weeks after receiving the quote, you can apply for the loan.

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Lower average account age of credit

Debt consolidation loans tend to decrease the average account age of your credit, and this is good for your overall credit score. Your payment history, the amount owed, and the time that accounts have been open are all factors that affect your credit score. The longer your credit history is, the higher your credit score will be.

If you have less than 10 years of credit history, this can be detrimental to your credit score. Your oldest current account is almost 16 years old. This means you've probably never opened your credit account by yourself, but your parents might have added you as an authorized use on a credit cards to help you get credit. A higher credit score is a sign that you are reliable and can pay your bills promptly.


What is the difference between passive income and active income?

Passive income means that you can make money with little effort. Active income is earned through hard work and effort.

Your active income comes from creating value for someone else. Earn money by providing a service or product to someone. You could sell products online, write an ebook, create a website or advertise your business.

Passive income is great as it allows you more time to do important things while still making money. But most people aren't interested in working for themselves. Instead, they decide to focus their energy and time on passive income.

Passive income isn't sustainable forever. If you wait too long before you start to earn passive income, it's possible that you will run out.

If you spend too long trying to make passive income, you run the risk that your efforts will burn out. You should start immediately. You will miss opportunities to maximize your earnings potential if you put off building passive income.

There are three types to passive income streams.

  1. There are many options for businesses: You can own a franchise, start a blog, become a freelancer or rent out real estate.
  2. Investments - These include stocks, bonds and mutual funds as well ETFs.
  3. Real estate - This includes buying and flipping homes, renting properties, and investing in commercial real property.

What is the easiest passive source of income?

There are many options for making money online. Many of these methods require more work and time than you might be able to spare. How can you make extra cash easily?

You need to find what you love. Find a way to monetize this passion.

For example, let's say you enjoy creating blog posts. Make a blog and share information on subjects that are relevant to your niche. When readers click on the links in those articles, they can sign up for your emails or follow you via social media.

This is affiliate marketing. There are lots of resources that will help you get started. Here are some examples of 101 affiliate marketing tools, tips & resources.

You could also consider starting a blog as another form of passive income. It's important to choose a topic you are passionate about. You can also make your site monetizable by creating ebooks, courses and videos.

There are many ways to make money online, but the best ones are usually the simplest. If you really want to make money online, focus on building websites or blogs that provide useful information.

Once your website is built, you can promote it via social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. This is content marketing. It's an excellent way to bring traffic back to your website.

Why is personal finances important?

For anyone to be successful in life, financial management is essential. We live in a world where money is tight, and we often have to make difficult decisions about how to spend our hard-earned cash.

Why then do we keep putting off saving money. Is there nothing better to spend our time and energy on?

Yes and no. Yes because most people feel guilty about saving money. No, because the more money you earn, the more opportunities you have to invest.

Focusing on the big picture will help you justify spending your money.

Controlling your emotions is key to financial success. You won't be able to see the positive aspects of your situation and will have no support from others.

You may also have unrealistic expectations about how much money you will eventually accumulate. This is because you aren't able to manage your finances effectively.

These skills will prepare you for the next step: budgeting.

Budgeting is the practice of setting aside some of your monthly income for future expenses. You can plan ahead to avoid impulse purchases and have sufficient funds for your bills.

Now that you are able to effectively allocate your resources, you can look forward to a brighter future.

How can a beginner earn passive income?

Start with the basics. Learn how to create value and then discover ways to make a profit from that value.

You might even already have some ideas. If you do, great! You're great!

Finding a job that matches your interests and skills is the best way to make money online.

For instance, if you enjoy creating websites or apps, there are lots of ways that you can generate revenue even while you sleep.

But if you're more interested in writing, you might enjoy reviewing products. Or if you're creative, you might consider designing logos or artwork for clients.

Whatever your focus, choose something you are passionate about. You'll be more likely to stick with it over the long-term.

Once you have found a product/service that you enjoy selling, you will need to find a way to make it monetizable.

There are two main ways to go about this. You can charge a flat price for your services (like a freelancer), but you can also charge per job (like an agency).

Either way, once you have established your rates, it's time to market them. This can be done via social media, emailing, flyers, or posting them to your list.

To increase your chances of success, keep these three tips in mind when promoting your business:

  1. Market like a professional: Always act professional when you do anything in marketing. You never know who will review your content.
  2. Know what you're talking about - make sure you know everything about your topic before you talk about it. False experts are unattractive.
  3. Spam is not a good idea. You should avoid emailing anyone in your address list unless they have asked specifically for it. Send a recommendation directly to anyone who asks.
  4. Use an email service provider that is reliable and free - Yahoo Mail and Gmail both offer easy and free access.
  5. Monitor your results - track how many people open your messages, click links, and sign up for your mailing lists.
  6. Measuring your ROI is a way to determine which campaigns have the highest conversions.
  7. Get feedback - Ask your friends and family if they are interested in your services and get their honest feedback.
  8. Different strategies can be tested - test them all to determine which one works best.
  9. Learn and keep growing as a marketer to stay relevant.

What side hustles are the most profitable?

A side hustle is an industry term for any additional income streams that supplement your main source of revenue.

Side hustles are very important because they provide extra money for bills and fun activities.

Side hustles not only help you save money for retirement but also give you flexibility and can increase your earning potential.

There are two types: active and passive side hustles. Online businesses like e-commerce, blogging, and freelance work are all passive side hustles. You can also do side hustles like tutoring and dog walking.

The best side hustles make sense for you and fit well within your lifestyle. Start a fitness company if you are passionate about working out. Consider becoming a freelance landscaper, if you like spending time outdoors.

Side hustles can be found anywhere. You can find side hustles anywhere.

One example is to open your own graphic design studio, if graphic design experience is something you have. Or perhaps you have skills in writing, so why not become a ghostwriter?

Whatever side hustle you choose, be sure to do thorough research and planning ahead of time. You'll be ready to grab the opportunity when it presents itself.

Side hustles can't be just about making a living. They're about building wealth and creating freedom.

There are so many ways to make money these days, it's hard to not start one.

What side hustles will be the most profitable in 2022

The best way to make money today is to create value for someone else. This will bring you the most money if done well.

It may seem strange, but your creations of value have been going on since the day you were born. When you were little, you took your mommy's breastmilk and it gave you life. Your life will be better if you learn to walk.

As long as you continue to give value to those around you, you'll keep making more. Actually, the more that you give, the greater the rewards.

Value creation is an important force that every person uses every day without knowing it. You create value every day, whether you are cooking for your family, driving your children to school, emptying the trash or just paying the bills.

In actuality, Earth is home to nearly 7 billion people right now. Each person creates an incredible amount of value every day. Even if only one hour is spent creating value, you can create $7 million per year.

You could add $100 per week to someone's daily life if you found ten more. That would make you an additional $700,000 annually. You would earn far more than you are currently earning working full-time.

Let's say that you wanted double that amount. Let's assume you discovered 20 ways to make $200 more per month for someone. Not only would you make an additional $14.4million dollars per year, but you'd also become extremely wealthy.

Every day there are millions of opportunities for creating value. This includes selling information, products and services.

Although our focus is often on income streams and careers, these are not the only things that matter. Helping others achieve theirs is the real goal.

You can get ahead if you focus on creating value. My free guide, How To Create Value and Get Paid For It, will help you get started.


  • Etsy boasted about 96 million active buyers and grossed over $13.5 billion in merchandise sales in 2021, according to data from Statista. (nerdwallet.com)
  • According to the company's website, people often earn $25 to $45 daily. (nerdwallet.com)
  • While 39% of Americans say they feel anxious when making financial decisions, according to the survey, 30% feel confident and 17% excited, suggesting it is possible to feel good when navigating your finances. (nerdwallet.com)
  • According to a June 2022 NerdWallet survey conducted online by The Harris Poll. (nerdwallet.com)
  • Mortgage rates hit 7.08%, Freddie Mac says Most Popular (marketwatch.com)

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How To

How to make money while you're asleep

To be successful online, you need to learn how to get to sleep when you are awake. You must learn to do more than just wait for people to click on your link and buy your product. It is possible to make money while you are sleeping.

You will need to develop an automated system that generates income without having to touch a single button. You must learn the art of automation to do this.

You would benefit from becoming an expert at developing software systems that perform tasks automatically. This will allow you to focus on your business while you sleep. You can even automate yourself out of a job.

To find these opportunities, you should create a list with problems that you solve every day. Ask yourself if you can automate these problems.

Once you do that, you will probably find that there are many other ways to make passive income. The next step is to determine which option would be most lucrative.

A website builder, for instance, could be developed by a webmaster to automate the creation of websites. Maybe you are a webmaster and a graphic designer. You could also create templates that could be used to automate production of logos.

Or, if you own a business, perhaps you could create a software program that allows you to manage multiple clients simultaneously. There are many options.

You can automate anything as long you can think of a solution to a problem. Automation is the key to financial freedom.


How does debt consolidation affect your credit rating?